SCIENZE UMANISTICHEClassical philologyAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

1. Acquisition of a critical method for the prosodic and metrical analysis of Latin comedies and lyric poems.

2. Acquisition of prosodic and metrical tools to analyse the corruptions that occurred in the manuscript transmission of Latin texts.

3. Acquisition of the essential skills to conduct autonomously a prosodic and metrical analysis of a Latin text, and to evaluate its potential palaeographic and textual restorations.

4. Acquisition of the subject-specific words and of a technical vocabulary.

5. Acquisition of a strong capacity in decoding Latin comedies and poems.

Course Structure


If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the Syllabus. 

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the Latin archaic prosody and metre. Reading of selected texts from the Latin archaic theatre and the lyric poetry, examined from the prosodic, metrical, historical, and palaeographic perspective.

Basics (2 ECTS)


Methodological and theoretical basics of archaic Latin metre.


Knowledge of the following studies is required:


-       S. Boldrini, La prosodia e la metrica dei Romani, Torino 1992 (or Roma 2017), pp. 45-51; 117-122; 125-135; 138-140; 143-151; 159-160; 164-165;

-       C. Questa, La metrica di Plauto e di Terenzio, Urbino 2007, pp. 327-459; 483-486;

-       L. Ceccarelli, I versi giambo-trocaici latini scenici arcaici: gli schemi metrici e le loro realizzazioni, in C. Moussy (éd. par, avec la collab. de J. Dangel et alii), De lingua Latina nouae quaestiones: actes du Xe colloque international de linguistique latine, Paris-Sèvres, 19-23 avril 1999, Louvain-Paris 2001, pp. 899-915.


Detailed Studies (4 ECTS)


From the archaic comedies to the lyric poems: the tricky textual restoration through palaeographic questions, metre problems and indirect tradition.


-       Plautus Asinaria 127-248. Suggested ed.: R.M. Danese (Urbino 2004);

-       Plautus Captivi 195-360. Suggested ed.: A. Torino (Urbino 2013) ;

-       Turpilius Epiclerus frg. 10, Leucadia frg. 2, Lindia frg. 3. Suggested ed.: L. Rychlewska (Leipzig 19712);

-       Laevius Erotopaegnia frg. 1-7, Phoenix frg. 8, Adonis frg. 9, Alcestis frg. 11, Centauri frg. 13, Helena frg. 14, Ino frg. 15, Protesilaudamia frg. 16-18 e 20-22. Suggested ed.: J. Blänsdorf (Berlin-New York 20114).


Critical Essays


Knowledge of the following studies is required:


-       L. Havet, Études sur Plaute. Asinaria I: La seconde et la troisième scènes et la composition générale, «Revue de philologie» 29, 1905, pp 94-103;

-       J.C.B. Lowe, L’Asinaria e il suo modello greco, in R. Raffaelli, A. Tontini (a c. di), Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates II. Asinaria, Urbino 1999, pp. 13-24;

-       J.C.B. Lowe, Aspects of Plautus’ originality in the Asinaria, «Classical Quarterly» 42, 1992, pp. 152-175;

-       C. Questa, Per un’edizione di Plauto, in Giornate Filologiche ‘Francesco Della Corte’, II, Genova 2001, pp. 61-83;

-       R.M. Danese, Sulle dipodie cretiche plautine, «Rendiconti dell’Accademia dei Lincei» 4, 1993, pp. 637-646;

-       A. Tontini, Bipartizioni di versi plautini nel codice Pal. lat. 1615, «Studi Urbinati. Serie B, Scienze Umane e Sociali» 60, 1987, pp. 101-147;

-       L. Rychlewska, Turpiliana, «Eos» 51, 1961, pp. 85-88;

-       A. Traina, Comoedia. Antologia della Palliata, 20005 (rist. 2011 19601), pp. 155-161;

-       A.M. Tempesti, Osservazioni metrico-stilistiche su Levio, «Studi e Ricerche dell'Istituto di Civilità Classica, Cristiana, Medievale» 7, 1986, pp. 181-199;

-       A. Traglia, Polimetria e verba Laeviana, «Studi Classici e Orientali» 6, 1957, pp. 82-108.







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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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