SCIENZE UMANISTICHEComparative Literature and LanguagesAcademic Year 2022/2023

9794263 - Letteratura francese comparata / Littérature française générale et comparée

Teacher: Concettina RIZZO

Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students must acquire 1) the critical competences for an analytical and comparative approach on the literary currents and realia. (2 Comparative analysis exercises to apply the methods and theories)

3) Students must be able to create hypertext and cultural links among writers, literary and artistic genres of the modern French and Francophone world. 4) Encourage exposés along with oral and written presentations to develop communication skills and to 5) stimulate the learning of authors and works in a critical and conscious manner

Course Structure



Ongoing verification

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the main methods of text analysis


Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content

Contents: Presentation and analysis of different types of literary and artistic genres on diachronic and synchronic levels. Identification of

 the evident and hidden dynamics on the construction of the text through a variety of different methods. (Especially aesthetic and artistic)

Textbook Information

A 3 ECTS Arts and writing in the Nineteenth century

In–depth analysis of the historical, cultural and artistic-literary movements of the XIX and XX centuries in a comparative perspective.


Philippe Hamon, Imageries, Littératures et Images au XIX siècle, Paris, Corti, 2007 (ch. 2-3-4-9 ; 80 pp.)

Théophile Gautier en Italie, (sous la direction de Giovanna Bellati), Roma Aracne, 2001 ; (pp. 113-172)

Théophile Gautier, Spirite, (critical edition edited by Maria Teresa Puleio, Catania, Cuecm, 1993 (pp. 9-75)

Gaston Bachelard, Poétique de l’espace, any edition,  (Ch. 1-3-9, pp. 75)

(Dossier with a selection of texts and documents, pp. 80)



B 3 ECTS Architecture & Text

Edmond de Goncourt, La Maison d’un artiste, any edition (the digital edition is available at

Duranty, Le pays des arts (the digital edition is available at

Paul Bourget, La seconde mort de  Broggi-Mezzastris, any edition, (the digital edition is available at (30 pp.)

AA.VV., Archiletture, Milano, Mimesis, 2019 (pp.75-90/ 353-352/563-576/)

AA.VV., Architecture.Architextures romantiques, Schena editore, 2013

 (pp. 51-68/159-202)

Dominique Pety, Les Goncourt et la collection, Genève, Droz, 2003

 (Introduction, 23 pp.)


Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1History of modern and contemporary literature: theories and methodsH. Mitterand , Littérature. Textes et Documents, Paris, Nathan; Lagarde et Michard, Les grands auteurs français, Paris, Bordas, ultima edizione; Brunel-Bellenger, Histoire de la littérature française, Paris, Bordas, ultima edizione
2Textula and comparative analysisPhilippe Hamon, Imageries, Littératures et Images au XIXe siècle, Paris, Corti, 2001(Ch. II, IV)
3Text and image linksPhilippe Hamon, Imageries, Littératures et Images au XIXe siècle, Paris, Corti, 2001(Ch. III, IX) 
4Analysis of the texts. Th. Gautier, arts and writingThéophile Gautier en Italie, (sous la direction de Giovanna Bellati), Roma Aracne, 2001. Maria Teresa Puleio, Théophile Gautier, Spirite, (edizione critica), Catania, Cuecm, 1993. Maria Teresa Puleio, Le bal masqué, saggio sulla narrativa di Théophile
5Relations between text and ArchitectureEdmond de Goncourt, La Maison d’un artiste, qualsiasi edizione (su si trova la versione elettronica)AA.VV., Architecture. Architextures romantiques, Schena editore, 2013  (pp. 51-68/159-202)Gaston Bachelard, Poétique de l’espace, qualsiasi edizione, (Ch. 1-3-9, pp. 75)
6Relations between text and collectingPaul Bourget, La seconde mort de Broggi-Mezzastris, qualsiasi edizione, (su si trova la versione elettronica) Dominique Pety, Les Goncourt et la collection, Genève, Droz, 2003 

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment of the exam will take into account the mastery of the contents and skills aquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as the argumentative ability demonstrated by the candidate

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Analyse comparée des textes et des documents, les théories de Philippe Hamon et de Dominique Pety, le collectionnisme et l’écriture au XIX siècle, la création des Musées et les influences littéraires, les revues artistiques, la formation des collection dans les romans et  les nouvelles, la structure des maison-musées et l’exemple des Goncourt, de Paul Bourget 

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