Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, students, at the end of the course, will be expected

1. to gain knowledge on the main topic of Russian grammatical and morphosyntactic structures;

2. gain knowledge in Russian language about themes of civilization, contemporary culture; develop communication skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing;

3. to gain knowledge of some semantic properties and the relevant translation strategies; gain comprehension and communication skills in different texts and media in the original language.

4. to gain knowledge of worlds and expressions of communication in both formal and informal language in everyday life; will develop the communication skills, enrich the vocabulary and accuracy in selecting appropriate expressions in specific context; will develop communication skills and become independent in conversations and speeches, applying the linguistic skills gained during the course.

Course Structure

Classroom lectures. guided practice activities or equivalent activities, guided individual learning.

Detailed Course Content

1. Vocabulary and grammar improvement;

2. Linguistic means and figure of speech in different communicative intentions in everyday life language;

2.a. Expression of emotions and feelings in Russian language;

2.b. Translation techniques of various semantic units;

3. Russian culture;

Textbook Information


A. A. Akishina, T. Akishina, Эмоции и мнения. Выражение чувств в русском языке, Русский Язык Курсы, 2009 (166 pp.)

F. Legittimo, D. Magnati, Davajte! Comunicare in russo. Corso di lingua e cultura russa, Milano, Hoepli, 2020, vol. 2. (242 pp.)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library and the dossier will be published on Studium.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Vocabulary and grammar improvementF. Legittimo, D. Magnati, Davajte! Comunicare in russo. Corso di lingua e cultura russa, Milano, Hoepli, 2020, vol. 2. (242 pp.)
2 Linguistic means and figure of speech in different communicative intentions in everyday life languageA. A. Akishina, T. Akishina, Эмоции и мнения. Выражение чувств в русском языке, Русский Язык Курсы, 2009 (166 pp.)
3Expression of emotions and feelings in Russian language;A. A. Akishina, T. Akishina, Эмоции и мнения. Выражение чувств в русском языке, Русский Язык Курсы, 2009 (166 pp.)
4b. Translation techniques of various semantic units;A. A. Akishina, T. Akishina, Эмоции и мнения. Выражение чувств в русском языке, Русский Язык Курсы, 2009 (166 pp.)
5Russian cultureF. Legittimo, D. Magnati, Davajte! Comunicare in russo. Corso di lingua e cultura russa, Milano, Hoepli, 2020, vol. 2. (242 pp.)

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