Expected Learning Outcomes

According to the Dublin descriptors, the course lays the basis of an intercultural dialogue by providing students them with essential tools to communicate within German-speaking countries by developing communicative, (meta)linguistic and cultural competence. For this purpose, there will be an organization of the course in a monographic section with lessons dedicated to theory linked with linguistic reflection and analysis by means of a comparative approach (focus on syntax).

Furthermore students will be able to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered, to produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest to describe experiences and events, and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans (level B1.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), in order to handle, through a contrastive approach, not only the German language, but also Italian autonomously and critically, in order to develop a solid linguistic awareness.

Required Prerequisites

Level A2 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

Detailed Course Content

The program is divided in two parts: the first is dedicated to the acquisition of language skills and competences (level B1-2 of the Common European Framework of Reference) with reflection of elements of German linguistics (types of sentences, syntagma, verb valency, syntactic categories and functions); the second one concerns cultural-historical issues represented by German places of remembrance to which students are introduced through the reading of a short literary texts and documentary material.

Textbook Information

1. Fundamental aspects of grammar (level B1-2), in particular of syntax


a) Course book:

a) Libro di testo

H. Funk, C. Kuhn, L. Nielsen, R. von Eggeling, Das Leben. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Allgemeine Ausgabe B1: Gesamtband. Kurs- und Übungsbuch, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 2022 (pp. 232), ISBN 978-3-06-122091-4.


b) Grammar books (in alternative or integration):

H. Dreyer, R. Schmitt, Grammatica tedesca con esercizi, München, Verlag für Deutsch, 2001, 360 pp.

G. Helbig, J. Buscha, Übungsgrammatik Deutsch, Berlin-München, 2013, 654 pp.

M. Reimann, Grundstufen-Grammatik Deutsch als Fremdsprache, München, Hueber, 2012, 240 pp.


c) Dictionary Italian – German:

L. Giacoma e S. Kolb (a cura di), Il nuovo dizionario di tedesco. Dizionario Tedesco-Italiano Italienisch-Deutsch, seconda edizione, con CD-Rom, Bologna, Zanichelli, quarta edizione, 2019.


d) Syntax (in alternative or integration):

- C. Di Meola, La linguistica tedesca. Un’introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata, nuova edizione rivista e ampliata, Roma, Bulzoni Editore, 2007, pp. 91-128. (capitolo sintassi).

- S. Horstmann, J. Settinieri, D. Freitag, Einführung in die Linguistik DaF/DaZ. Grundwissen DaF/DaZ, Paderborn (UTB) Schöningh, 2019, pp. 199-232.

- K. Pittner, Judith Berman, Deutsche Syntax. Ein Arbeitsbuch, Tübingen, Narr, 2021, 226 pp. (approfondimento facoltativo)

- A. Tomaselli, Introduzione alla sintassi del tedesco, Bari, Edizioni B.A. Graphis, 2013, 159 pp. (approfondimento facoltativo)


2. Historical and cultural aspects: places of remembrance


a) Literary text

S. Schüssler, L. Guggenberger (a cura di), Berlin. Eine literarische Einladung, Berlin, Wagenbach, 2022, pp. 64-66, 70-72, 75-77, 91-95, 103-109.


b) Matrial-documents on German post-World War II history up to the fall of the Wall and reunification (on STUDIUM)

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