SCIENZE UMANISTICHEScience of Language for interculture and educationAcademic Year 2022/2023



Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims at giving some theoretical and practical instruments of didactics of foreign languages, through the knowledge of the main theoretical and methodological tendencies of glottodidactics. 

Students will know the most important didactic strategies, with a particular regard to humanistic approach. Moreover, students will be able to project their lessons according to European Framework and responding to psychological and cognitive features of learners and to their specific linguistic needs. 

Course Structure

During the course, made of 18 lessons, there will be several tests that will not be evaluated, but that will be useful for an auto-evaluation. 

There will be a midterm test (which will be evaluated) and a laboratory activity. 

The students who will choose to do a practical activity will structure a lesson and will present their work to the class. The final version of this work will be submitted to the teacher one week at least before final exam. 

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of principles of Linguistics. 

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance of the course is not mandatory. 

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

Danesi, P. Diadori, D. Semplici, Tecniche didattiche per la seconda lingua, Roma, Carocci, 2018.

Andorno, C. - Valentini, A. - Grassi, R. Verso una nuova lingua. Capire l'acquisizione di L2, Torino, Utet Università, 2017 (pp. 5 - 299).

Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione. Volume complementare, in «Italiano LinguaDue», 12/2, 2020,

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The reference texts can be consulted in the Library.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination will include an in-progress test, which is not compulsory and open to all students. The test will be structured with open and closed questions. 

There is the possibility of designing a teaching unit for the teaching of a foreign language, to be presented during the course and then at the final examination. 

The final examination will be oral. 

The assessment of the examination will take into account the candidate's mastery of the content and skills acquired, linguistic accuracy and lexical property, as well as his or her argumentative ability.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The vertices of the educational triangle: the role of the teacher. How to assess students' needs; what idea of language lies at the heart of the CEFR? What is meant by communicative competence? How to structure a path that guides the learner in decoding the written or oral text? Assessing errors from the perspective of acquisitional linguistics. What innovations are there, compared to the original version, in the CEFR Companion?

Versione in italiano