SCIENZE DELLA FORMAZIONEEducational SciencesAcademic Year 2022/2023

1000086 - STORIA ROMANA A - Z

Teacher: Mela ALBANA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course, consistently with the educational objectives of the degree course, aims to offer students the specific methodological tools for the knowledge of Roman antiquity with a view to an understanding of social dynamics in the Roman world and in the contemporary age.

The expected learning objectives, according to the Dublin descriptors, are the following:- to know historical theories and models to interpret historical events (DD 1, 1);

to know and be able to analyze the sources (literary, legal, epigraphic and archaeological) concerning the Roman world (DD 2, 1);

to connect the theoretical and methodological contents learned to the interpretation of past, present and future events and processes (DD 2, 1) )

to evaluate the functional tools for historical research (DD 3.2)

knowing how to translate  the analysis of historical contexts into the formulation of problems, objectives and design solutions (DD 3.3). 

Knowing how to communicate the meaning of one's actions (DD4, 1);

knowing how to communicate, argue and present research results to clients and different targets (DD4,2)

- Knowing how to identify unexpected results of research and its possible developments in terms of methodology and impact (DD5, 1)

Course Structure

Interactive face-to-face lectures with the aid of slide presentations; seminars; study groups

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Required Prerequisites

No specific prerequisites are required.

Detailed Course Content

The history of Rome from its origins to 476 AD:

sources and research methods for ancient history; origins of Rome and the monarchic age; republican political institutions; Rome’s expansion into Italy and the Mediterranean; the crisis of the Roman Republic and the rise of personal power; the Principate; the Roman empire: culture and power; the Roman army; the Roman religion; the end of the ancient world.

Textbook Information

1- G. Poma (ed.), La storia antica. Metodi e fonti per lo studio, Bologna, Il Mulino 2016, pp. 157-190; 245-258; 309-322.

2- G. Traina, La storia speciale. Perché non possiamo fare a meno degli antichi romani, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2020, pp. 224.

3- S. Mazzarino, La fine del mondo antico, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 2008, pp.113-195.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Le fonti per la storia anticaappunti della docente reperibili su Studium; Poma, pp. 157-190; 245-258.
2La storia antica oggiTraina, pp. 3-27; 175-182.
3Le istituzioni politiche repubblicane Traina, pp. 28-40; 182-183.
4La cittadinanza romana Traina, pp. 41-51; 184-185.
5Il Principato Traina, pp. 52-59;185-186.
6Roma caput mundi Traina, pp. 60-73; 186-188.
7La guerra Traina, pp. 74-95; 188-191.
8Cultura e potere Traina, pp. 96-106; 191-192.
9La romanizzazione Traina, pp. 107-125 ; 192-193.
10L’esercito romano Traina, pp. 126-141; 193-194.
11Scienza e Tecnica Traina, pp. 151-159;194-195.
12La fine del mondo antico Mazzarino, pp. 113-195; Traina, pp. 160-173.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The examination consists of an oral test.

There are optional oral tests on the first part of the programme, to be agreed with the professor.

The examination may also be conducted electronically, should conditions require it.

Assessment will be based on

adequacy of expression with regard to content and method;

ability to process knowledge, grasping spatial-temporal and cause-effect connections;

capacity for critical investigation;

lexical correctness.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

The transition from monarchy to republic.
The magistracies.
The assemblies.
The conflict between patricians and plebeians.
Roman imperialism.
The principate of Augustus.
The Roman army.
The Romanisation of the West.
The traditional pagan religion.
The dissolution of the Western Roman Empire.
It should be noted that the examination is not reduced to a mere exposition of data but tends to verify the skills acquired by the student and his ability to re-elaborate and critically deepen the topics studied.

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