L-FIL-LET/12 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at giving the students some theoretical and methodological instruments to:

Course Structure

There will be 27 lessons, for a total amount of 54 hours.

Students who will regularly attend classes will be able to sustain a test during the course and prepare a lesson's project on one of course’s topics. They will have to present their lesson's project in class; the project, in its final version, has to be given to the teacher at least one week before the final exam.

Students who will not attend the course will have only an oral exam.

Detailed Course Content


- theoretical principles of language teaching;

- contemporary Italian's main traits, referring to phonology and phonetics, morphology, lexicon, syntax;

- contemporary Italin's varietes;

- elemnts of acuisitional linguistics;

- theories of language acquisition;

- historical development of language teaching;

- the Common European Framework (CEF);

- know the concept of evaluation;

- know different ways to evaluate according to levels;

- know different theories and teaching methods in order to test.

Textbook Information

Diadori P., Palermo M., Troncarelli D., Insegnare l’italiano come seconda lingua, Carocci, 2015.

Giovanardi C. - De Roberto E. , L’italiano. Strutture, comunicazione, testi. Pearson 2018.

Rastelli S., Che cos’è la didattica acquisizionale, Carocci, 2009.

Minuz F., Italiano L2 e alfabetizzazione in età adulta, Roma, Carocci, 2017 (pp. 13-170)

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