This course is an introduction to 19th and 20th century French civilization, culture and literature. We will study various authors, works from different genres and the main literary movements that marked those centuries. Students will be provided with the linguistic, stylistic and critical tools suited to the analysis of anthological texts. Thanks to this course, we are able to apply knowledge and understanding, make judgement, communicate and learn skills, in order to take up to Master’s Degree.
This first part of the course will consist of a survey of 19th and 20th French literature, with a particular focus on aesthetic movements and literatures that marked French culture and civilization, such as Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Surrealism, WWI and WWII literature, Existentialism and francophone literature from Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. The main authors, genres and movements will be examined in context through the reading and analysis of some excerpts and texts.
Anthology : Close reading of at least 25 anthological texts (selected by teacher)
Workshop/Series of lectures on francophone literature : Les francophonies littéraires
Monographic course : Le dandysme littéraire de Chateaubriand à Proust
This second part of the course will be devoted to a reflection on the figure of French literary dandyism from François-René de Chateaubriand to Marcel Proust, or rather from the Monarchie de Juillet (1830) to the First World War. For a better understanding of the subject, an intertextual, interdisciplinary and transnational approach will be adopted especially between England and France.
This first part of the course will consist of a survey of 19th and 20th French literature, with a particular focus on aesthetic movements and literatures that marked French culture and civilization, such as Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, Surrealism, WWI and WWII literature, Existentialism and francophone literature from Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. The main authors, genres and movements will be examined in context through the reading and analysis of some excerpts and texts.
Anthology : Close reading of at least 25 anthological texts (selected by teacher)
Workshop/Series of lectures on francophone literature : Les francophonies littéraires
Monographic course : Le dandysme littéraire de Chateaubriand à Proust
This second part of the course will be devoted to a reflection on the figure of French literary dandyism from François-René de Chateaubriand to Marcel Proust, or rather from the Monarchie de Juillet (1830) to the First World War. For a better understanding of the subject, an intertextual, interdisciplinary and transnational approach will be adopted especially between England and France.
Histoire littéraire et anthologie
André LAGARDE et Laurent MICHARD (collection dirigée par), Les grands auteurs Français – Anthologie et histoire littéraire, Paris, Bordas.
3. Yves REUTER, L’analyse du récit, 3ème édition, Paris, Armand Colin, « 128 tout le savoir », 2016.
Approfondissement/laboratoire sur la littérature francophone : Les francophonies littéraires
4. Christiane CHAULET ACHOUR, Les francophonies littéraires, Paris, Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, « Libre cours », 2016.
5. Jean-Louis Joubert, Les voleurs de langue. Traversée de la francophonie littéraire, Paris, Éditions Philippe Rey, 2006.
Dossier fourni par le professeur : Extraits choisis des œuvres de Tahar Ben Jelloun, Yacine Kateb, Assia Djebar, Amin Maalouf et Ahmadou Kourouma)
Pour en savoir plus : Santo BURGIO, « Jean-Paul Sartre, il filosofo africano. A settant’anni dall’Orphée noir », dans Il terzo muntu. Filosofia e tradizione nel pensiero africano contemporaneo, Lugano, Agorà & Co., “Intelligere”, 2018, pp. 135-151.
Cours monographique : Le dandysme littéraire de Chateaubriand à Proust
6. Karin BECKER, Le dandysme littéraire en France au XIXe siècle, Orléans, Paradigme, 2010.