L-FIL-LET/10 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the fundamental elements of Italian literature; acquisition of philological research methodologies and literary criticism methodologies, with a special focus on the ability to analyse literary texts critically.

Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to consider literary texts critically; ability to connect elements of one’s own culture with those of other cultures; ability to orient oneself within the printed and online bibliography; ability to link competences in an interdisciplinary fashion.

Making judgements: Critical ability to combine literary competences acquired in an interdisciplinary fashion and to interpret different sociolinguistic and cultural domains from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.

Communication skills: Ability to present the results of one’s study in complex ways; ability to discuss literary contents effectively and critically.

Learning skills: Development of autonomous learning skills in studying the literary materials of the course with the aim of interacting with diverse interlocutors and in different working environments.

Course Structure

The lectures will be supplemented by exercises and tests in progress (by Studium platform) and, if possible, by seminars with other teachers.

Detailed Course Content

Knowledge of the main authors of Italian Literature, from the Middle Ages to the XXth century. Focus on Dante, Boccaccio and La novella del Grasso Legnaiuolo.

Textbook Information

1) P. G. Beltrami, Piccolo dizionario di metrica, il Mulino.

2) B. Mortara Garavelli, Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche, Laterza.

3) Selected passeges from works by the following authors: Petrarca, Boiardo, Poliziano, Machiavelli, Ariosto, Tasso, Marino, Galilei, Parini, Goldoni, Alfieri, Foscolo, Manzoni, Leopardi, Verga, Pascoli, D’Annunzio, Pirandello, Svevo, Ungaretti, Montale.

4) D. Alighieri, Divina Commedia: Inf., XXVI, A. Chiavacci Leonardi ed., Oscar Mondadori.

5) Boccaccio, Decameron: I, 1; I, 4 ; IV, Introduzione; IV, 1; IV, 5; VI, 1; IX, 2; X, 10, A. Quondam, M. Fiorilla, G. Alfano eds., BUR Rizzoli.

6) Antonio Manetti, La novella del Grasso Legnaiuolo, S. S. Nigro and S. Grassia eds., BUR Rizzoli.

7) Testi critici: N. Zago, Dante e Boccaccio, Euno Edizioni (the chapters “Dante vicino e lontano” e “La parola reticente nel Decameron”); G. Traina, La parola, il potere, la reclusione, la beffa, Siké Edizioni (chapters 1, 2, 3).

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