L-FIL-LET/05 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Course aim is to acquire and consolidate a method of analysis of Greek and Latin texts from Homer to VIth cent. A.D. Ancient works are meant to be studied through textual criticism, which will shed light on textual transmission up until editiones principes.

Detailed Course Content

Rhetoric, stylistic and philological issues of classical and late-classical Greek and Latin texts, with a special reward to textual criticism and editorial tecnique, basics of paleography and papyrology.

Textbook Information

A) Methodological foundations and basics of classical scholarship (5 CFU)

  1. History of classical philology until the Hellenistic Period.
  2. Greek and Latin stylistic and rhetoric.
  3. Textual tradition and textual criticism.
  4. Greek and Latin paleography.
  5. Course notes.
  6. Two works to choose between the following:



Rhetoric and epideictic oratory during Attic and Atticistic Age: Isocrates and the Sublime.

  1. Isocrates, Against the Sophists, ed. fr. G. Mathieu et Emile Brémond, Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1928-1962 (approximately 50 pp.).
  2. Longinus. On the Sublime (capp.1-10): ed. by D.A. Russell, Oxonii 1968 (approximately 100 pp.).

Students must read, translate and explain the critical apparatus; it is also requested a literary-historical commentary and the basics of prose-rhythm.

In place of the latter (On the Sublime), Modern Philology students can choose Quintilian’s Institutio oratoria, ed. and comm. by A.M. Milazzo vol.II, Gallimard-Einaudi, ‘Biblioteca della Pléiade’, Paris - Torino 200l, vol. II, pp. 427-577.



One essay to choose between:

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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