L-LIN/21 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course will be articulated A) in the hours of head-on didactic (54 hours in classroom) with the teacher and lectorate (100 hours); and B) in “Language” and “Linguistics and Translation”. In the first module the student will acquire a few linguistical and fundamental concepts and preliminary study of Russian. In the second it will get started the translation from L2 to L1.

Detailed Course Content


- The Morphological system, the Gender Agreement and the Case Forms of Russian Language

- The Declension of Nouns, Adjectivies, Pronouns in the Singular and Plural

- The System of the Russian Verbs: Perfective and Imperfective Verbs, Reflexive and Modal Verbs, Present, Past and Future Tenses, Non-prefixed Verbs of Motion (use with or without prepositions)

- The Use and Declension of Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals

Linguistics and Translation

- Geopolitical dynamics from Soviet Union to Contemporary Russia (in Russian)

- The History of the Cyrillic Alphabet

- Russian Word-formation

- Russian Lexicology

- History and Developlment of Russian Language

- Russian and Slavic Languages

- Contemporary Russian Culture, Politic and Life (in Russian)

- Translation from L2 (Russian) to L1 (italian): Theory and Practice

Textbook Information


- А.И. Задорина, Сборник упражнений по грамматике русского языка (для иностранцев), выпуск 1, Санкт-Петербург, Златоуст, 2008.

- C. Cevese, Grammatica Russa. Morfologia: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli Editore, (preferibilmente ultima edizione).

- P. Dusi, P. Gallana, Russo. Grammatica essenziale, Vallardi, (preferibilmente ultima edizione).

- V. Kovalev, Dizionario russo-italiano, italiano-russo, Zanichelli, (preferibilmente ultima edizione).

Linguistics and Translation

- L. Kasatkin, L. Krysin, V. Živov, Il russo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1995.

- Шкатулочка: пособие по чтению для иностранцев, изучающих русский язык (элементарный уровень), под ред. О.Э. Чубаровой, РЯ, 2008.

- По страницам русской истории. Учебное пособие по научному стилю речи для студентов-иностранцев гуманитарных специальностей, Москва, РЯ, 2011.

NB: Other materials will be provided during classes.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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