M-PSI/04 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with the knowledge of the following topics:

A. Child development according to the psychodynamic model.

B. The process of subjectification in adolescence and the influence of internal and external factors.

C. Domestic violence and the effects of abuse and maltreatment on children.

Detailed Course Content

A. The child development approach according to S. Freud, M. Klein, . E. Jacobson, M. Mahler, D.Winnicott, D.Stern, S. Fraiberg.

B. The process of subjectification, threats and challenges that an adolescent meets during its growth in society.

C. Domestic violence and failure of the maternal function.

Textbook Information

A. E. Pelanda (a cura). Modelli di sviluppo in psicoanalisi, Cortina, Milano, (pagine 182 circa).

Ch. Brenner, Breve corso di Psicoanalisi, Martinelli, Firenze, ( pagine 150 circa).

B. R. Cahn. L’adolescente nella psicoanalisi. L’avventura della soggettivazione, Bolla, Roma, 2000, pp. 1-197.

C. I. Merzagora Betsos, Demoni del focolare, Centro Scientifico editore, Torino, pp. 1-205.

C.M. G. Ciani (a cura), Medea, Marsilio, Venezia, 2004.


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