M-GGR/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

For example, understanding the consequences of global climate change on different countries, agricultural production, and coastal populations demands geographic awareness. Globalization has moved geography to center stage.

Account for the development of contemporary globalization; Discuss how commodification can shape cultural practices; Identify the Heritage Industry, such as ecomuseum, monuments and historical and archeological sites. Discuss about the fascinating subject of " variety " with its regional cultural changes, cultural identities.

Detailed Course Content

A) Geography of the landscape: the concept of landscape, geographical landscape, agricultural landscape protection and landscape planning;

Environment and landscape analysis and comunication; Sicilian landscape: the evolution of the territory and the change in the landscape;

B) Geography of the Mediterranean: the "cracks" and the regional geopolitical system;

C) Geography of tourism: culture, nature, territoriality, identity, authenticity, art, traditions, rural and cultural routes; Definition, and development of ecomuseum phenomenon; A new idea of interpretation of cultural heritage.

Textbook Information

A (1 CFU) - S. CANNIZZARO, G.L. CORINTO, Paesaggio in Sicilia. Dialogo territoriale ed episodi paesaggistici, Pàtron, Bologna, 2013, pp. 1-109.

B (1 CFU) - S. CANNIZZARO, G.L. CORINTO, C.M. PORTO, Il Mediterraneo. Dalla frattura regionale al processo d’integrazione, Pàtron, Bologna, 2009 (Studiare i capitoli 1, 2), pp. 1-102.

C (4 CFU) - S. CANNIZZARO, Per una geografia del turismo. Ricerche e casi studio in Italia, Pàtron, Bologna, 2011, pp. 1-227.

- G. REINA, Gli ecomusei. Una risorsa per il futuro, Marsilio, Venezia, 2014, pp. 1-190.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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