M-STO/04 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquire advanced knowledge on the main economic issues and methodologies needed to be placed in the historical context of issues and events of economic and social importance in the contemporary age.

Detailed Course Content

A) Temporal and thematic approach to the study of economic development, highlighting the specificity and continuity of development processes and paying attention to the economy, history, politics, within a single comparative context in which topics such as “economic growth”, “technological innovations”, a statement of the capitalist system, “welfare State” find a natural context and historicizing (2 CFU).


B) World Wars (2 CFU).


C) Narrative Medicine (2 CFU).

Textbook Information


- P. Travagliante, Verso il ’61, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2010 (1 CFU).

- F. Girotti, Welfare State, Carocci, Roma, 1998 (1 CFU).



One book among the following:

- P. Barucci (a cura di), Le frontiere dell’economia politica, Polistampa, Firenze, 2003 (2 CFU).

- A. Li Donni, Il pensiero, le dottrine e l’insegnamento economico in Sicilia nel ventennio fascista, Franco Angeli Milano, 2016 (2 CFU).

- AA.VV., Intellettuali ed economisti di fronte alla prima guerra mondiale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2014 (2 CFU).



One book among the following:

- AA.VV., La medicina narrativa, strumento di azione, compliance e empowerment, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2017 (2 CFU).

- P. Travagliante, Dalla finanza sociale alla finanza fiscale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2013 (2 CFU).

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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