L-ANT/08 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide an advanced knowledge on the monumental contexts, the architectural heritage, the themes of figurative arts and documents of material cultural related to the Mediterranean world in the Late Antiquity and Middle Ages, with reference to the evaluation of historical , cultural and artistic results in relation to the development and organization of the Christian communities and the transformation phenomena from the Late Aniquity. There will be seminars, guided tours in the catacombs of Syracuse and in the main buildings of Christian and Medieval Catania. In addition, one workshop will be held, regarding the corpus of Christian symbols in the epigraphical documentation.

Detailed Course Content

A - Archaeology of ritual: new perspectives from funerary archaeology (1 CFU);

B - Archaeology of devotion (from cemeteries to the martyrs’ shrines): the transformation of suburbia in Rome, Sicily and Malta in the Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages (2 CFU);

C - The reconfiguration of sacred spaces pagans (1 CFU);

D - Summary of the transformation of society, economy, rural and urban settlements in Italy and in Europe in the Late Antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Sicily: city and country (forms of settlements, cemeteries, churches and monasteries) (2 CFU).

Textbook Information





Additional bibliography will be provided during the course.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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