L-FIL-LET/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Aim of the course is to make students able to carry on their research in the field of Aegean archaeology through the possess of adequate methodologies in the field of archaeology, epigraphy and bibliographical research. This goal will be achieved through the teaching methodology of seminars.

The course will be held in English.

Detailed Course Content

The program includes three modules. In the first one the Aegean of the II millennium will be dealt with, with a special attention paid to the palatial periods, prestige production and epigraphic evidence. In the second one attention is focused on the wider Mediterranean background, and on the relations between the Aegean and Italy, in order to verify the specific problems of the existence of one or more “world systems” in the II millennium b.C. The third module will provide students with the necessary tools to use the written documents of the 2nd millennium b.C.

Textbook Information

A The II millennium Aegean (3 ECTS)

- E. Cline (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean, Oxford University press 2010, pp. 3-30 (background and definitions), 99-443 (Middle and Late Bronze Age, Art and architecture, Society and culture, Seals and writing, Material crafts).

B The II millennium Aegean and the Mediterranaean: a world system? (1 ECTS)

- Sherratt, Andrew. 1993. What Would a Bronze-Age World System Look Like? Relations between Temperate Europe and the Mediterranean in Later Prehistory. Journal of European Archaeology 1 (2). p. 1-58.

- Blake, Emma. 2008. The Mycenaeans in Italy: a minimalist position. in Papers of the British School at Rome 76, 2008 p. 1-34.

- Sestieri, Anna Maria Bietti. 2014. Sicily in Mediterranean History in the Second Millennium BC. The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, Knapp, A. Bernard and Peter van Dommelen, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 74-95. (Abstract, p. 74).

- P. Militello, Incorporating Architecture: Sicily and the Aegean, in M. Del Freo ed., Studies L. Vagnetti, (fotocopie fornite dall’autore), pp. 20.

C Literacy in the Aegean of the II millennium (2 ECTS)

- Y. Duhoux, M. Davies eds., A Companion to Linear B, Louvain La Neuve 2008, pp. 25-159.

Suggested readings for those interested in Aegean art:

J.-C. Poursat, L’Art égéen, Paris, Edition Picard, I, 2008, II, 2014.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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