L-ART/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course provides the acquisition of methodological foundations of music historiography and particular instances of musicological research, joined with a few general historical trends in the artistic, socio-cultural and political field.

Different historiographical orientations applied to research areas especially relevant to Musicology will be analyzed and also analysis of the main conceptual and operational tools to evaluate the results of different historical and critical trends.

Detailed Course Content

A The construction of historic-musical knowledge (2 CFU)

The module aims objects, languages and methods of the construction of the historic-musical knowledge.


B Musics in the History. From the Age of Dante to the Great War (4 CFU)

Different historiographical orientations applied to history of music of XIVth century to the XIXth century will be analyzed and also analysis of the main conceptual and operational tools to evaluate the results of different historical and critical trends.

Textbook Information

A The construction of historical-musical knowledge (2 CFU)


- C. Dahlhaus, Fondamenti di storiografia musicale, Fiesole, Discanto, 1980, pp. 211.

- H. H. Eggebrecht, La scienza come insegnamento, in «Il Saggiatore musicale», XII, 2005, pp. 231-237.

- M. De Luca, M. De Luca, Constructing Music History in the Classrooms, in «Musica Docta», 6, 2016, pp. 113-121.

B Musics in the History. From the Age of Dante to the Great War (4 CFU)


A. Chegai, F. Piperno, A. Rostagno, E. Senici (a cura di), Musiche nella storia, Roma, Carocci, 2017:

1. Suoni e musica nell’età di Dante, Petrarca e Boccaccio (pp. 19-74)

2. Musica e corti italiane nella prima età moderna (pp. 75-130)

3. Il teatro in musica del Seicento (pp. 131-188)

4. Strumenti e musica strumentale dall’Italia all’Europa (pp. 188-254)

5. L’Italia in Europa: il Settecento operistico (pp. 307-362)

6. Geografia e pratiche del classicismo musicale (pp. 363-412)

7. Beethoven

8. L’opera italiana nel primo Ottocento (pp. 453-494)

9. Musica non operistica nell’Ottocento: concetti, comportamenti, composizioni

10. Verdi e Wagner (pp. 569-628)

11. Fin de siècle: nuovi indirizzi nell’opera internazionale (pp. 629-678)

12. Verso una “nuova musica” (pp. 679-738)

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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