L-ANT/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The students will learn the correct analysis of the specific - literary numismatic, papyrological, epigraphic - sources for an objective reconstruction and a better knowledge of Antiquity.

Detailed Course Content

In the year 2017-2018 the students will analyze the cultural and religious changes which, at the end of a complex and difficult process, led to Late Antiquity. They will analyze the turning-point of the third century and the dynamics that led to the Constantine’s revolution. Then they will verify the new modes of power, through the different evidence and the specific bibliography, to identify new models of reference in the Late Roman Empire..

Textbook Information

A.Silent Revolutions (2 credits).

Texts (one or two of your choice based on the number of pages for a total of 450 pp.):

- G. W. Bowersock, Hellenism in Late Antiquity, Ann Arbor 1990, pp.140.

- M Mazza, Di Ellenismo, Oriente e Tarda Antichità. Considerazioni a margine di un saggio (e di un convegno), MedAnt I, 1, 1998, 141-170

- C. Giuffrida- M. Cassia (a cura di), Silenziose rivoluzioni. Atti del convegno Catania-Piazza Armerina, 21- 23 maggio 2015, Catania 2016, pp. 250.

- C. Giuffrida, Il regno di Costantino: un’eredità difficile, in l. De Salvo, E. Caliri, M. Casella (a cura di), Fra Costantino e i Vandali, Munera 40, 197-239.


B. A Christian Empire (3 credits).

Texts: (one or two of your choice based on the number of pages for a total of 300 pp.):

- V.L. Neri, Medius princeps. Storia e immagine di Costantino nella storiografia latina pagana, Bologna 1992, 384.

- P. Brown, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity. Towards a Christian Empire, Madison-London 1992, pp. 1-180.

- Cl. Giuffrida Manmana, Il potere e i suoi inganni, Roma 2013, pp. 404.


C. Constantine’ mythos (1 credit).

Texts (chosen according to the number of pages for a total of 150 pp.):

- V.L. Neri, Medius princeps. Storia e immagine di Costantino nella storiografia latina pagana, Bologna 1992, 384.

- A. Marcone, Pagano e cristiano, Vita e mito di Costantino, Roma-Bari 2002, pp. 228.

- G. Bonamente-N. Lenski-R. Lizzi Testa (a cura di), Costantino prima e dopo Costantino, Constantine Before and After Constantine, Bari 2012, pp. 628.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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