L-OR/12 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Consolidating skills in the context of translation and interpretative and linguistic analysis of both written and oral texts.

Detailed Course Content


Module 1 (3 CFU):

Translation of various text types. Particular attention will be given to the translation of literary texts.


Module 2 (3CFU):

Writing of a brief essay of literary criticism.



Module 3 (6 CFU):

Thousand and One Night: History of Text and Tradition of Tales.

The body in the work of some contemporary Syrian women.


N.B. The students of Arabic Linguistics and Translation (9 credits) of the Degree course in Languages for International Cooperation will study only the modules 2 and 3.

Textbook Information

Module 1:

M. Guidière, Manuel de traduction, ellipses, 2008.


Module 2:

A. Kilito, al-Hikaya wa’t-ta’wil, Toubkal, Casablanca, 1988.

S. Darghmouni, Arabo per affari, Hoepli, Milano, 2016.


Module 3:


A. Chraibi, Les Mille et une nuits: histoire du texte et classification des contes, l’Harmattan, Paris, 2008.

M. Censi, Le Corps dans le roman des écrivaines syriennes contemporaines, Brill, Leiden, Boston, 2016.

Further bibliographic details and material in the original langage will be available at the Studium Platform.


N.B. The students of the Arabic Linguistics and Translation (9 credits) of the Degree course in Languages for International Cooperation will study only the modules 2 and 3.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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