L-LIN/14 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide students with receptive and productive language skills in order to achieve the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages C1.2 level. The course is designed for students to develop specific linguistic and cultural skills with particular reference to stylistic and textual analysis and translation of literary texts belonging to trans-cultural literature.

Detailed Course Content

The course will focus on the acquisition of specific skills to carry out linguistic and stylistic analysis of literary texts and their translation. Students will learn practical methods, based on the principles of comparative stylistic methodology, to analyse “transcultural literature”. These texts are particularly useful to identify stylistic choices and develop appropriate translation strategies in order to achieve a stylistic/textual and intercultural competence.

Textbook Information

Linguistic skills and competences level C1

- A. Buscha, S. Raven, G. Linthout, Erkundungen, Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, Sprachniveau C1. Mit beigefügter CD. 5. Auflage, Leipzig, SCHUBERT-Verlag, 2013.


Textual stylistic and translation

- U. Fix, H. Poethe, G. Yos, Textlinguistik und Stilistik für Einsteiger. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Lang, 2003 (chapter 2);

- M. Foschi Albert, Il profilo stilistico del testo. Guida al confronto intertestuale e interculturale (tedesco e italiano), Pisa, Edizioni Plus, 2009 (chapter 3);

- J. Albrecht, Grundlagen der Übersetzungswissenschaft. Band 2: Übersetzung und Linguistik, Tübingen, Narr, 2005 (chapter 1);

- L. Cinato Kather, Mediazione linguistica tedesco-italiano, Milano, Hoepli, 2011 (Parte seconda: Confronti linguistici e strategie traduttive);

- B. Ivančić, Manuale del traduttore, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2016 (chapter. 3).

Plurilinguism and literary creativity

- C. Chiellino, Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland, Stuttgart, Metzler, 2007 (text available on STUDIUM);

- M. Hofmann, J. K. Patrut, Einführung in die interkulturelle Literatur, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2015 (text available on STUDIUM);

- E.-M. Thüne, S. Leonardi (a cura di), I colori sotto la mia lingua: Scritture transculturali in tedesco (LisT, 1), Roma, Aracne, 2009 (introduction).

- Reader with literary texts of various authors (available on STUDIUM)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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