L-OR/21 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Acquisition of basic competences in order to describe and interpret the main aspects of Chinese linguistics and to translate ancient Chinese texts

Detailed Course Content

The course is aimed at providing students with a basic level of classical Chinese (wenyan), through the study of grammar rules and translation exercises based on original texts belonging to the archaic, classical and medieval periods

Textbook Information

- Scarpari Maurizio, Avviamento allo Studio del Cinese Classico, Cafoscarina, Venezia, 1995;

- Pulleyblank Edwin G., Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar, UBC Press, Vanouver, 1995;

- Bertuccioli Giuliano, De Troia Paolo (a cura di) Testi di Letteratura Cinese, scelti tradotti e commentati da Giuliano Bertuccioli, Poesia, Orientalia, 2016;

- Testi scelti da Gudai Hanyu, Beijing Language and culture University Press, Beijing, 2010;

- Materiale fornito dal docente.

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