L-OR/22 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Students should get acquainted with the evolution of the Japanese literary panorama from the very first testimonies, namely the works written during the Nara period, to the last productions of the late Edo period.

Students should be able to outline a coherent literary evolution, and to draw interesting and multidisciplinary parallels between the several productions the course will focus on.

This course aim is to present a survey on Japanese Classical Literature, as detailed as possible, in order to allow students to chose their thesys topic among a wider range.

Detailed Course Content

Japanese Literary History from the beginning of the classical age, with Nara and Hei'an periods, to the thresholds of modernity of the Edo period.

Textbook Information

Muccioli, Marcello, La letteratura giapponese (a cura di Maria Teresa Orsi), Roma, L'asino d'oro, 2015.

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