knowledge and understanding:
good orientation ability both temporal-space and historiographic of studied matters
applying knowledge and understanding:
Ability to distinguish among different historiographic arguments
making judgement:
Ability to elaborate independently, knowledge about the overall value of the studied matters
communication skills:
Appropriate using of disciplinary dictionary
learning skills:
Adding ability of critical interpretation in order to recognize essential sings of a process and their possible developing
The course will analyse the XX century decolonization’s process, based on ways they have been developed from a continent to another, through different modalities as peaceful or violent. The course will retrace, in a chronological and geographic way, their movements and their progresses. In particular, the course will focus upon the matters which today represent a heritage and a still open argument.
D. Kennedy, Storia della decolonizzazione, Il Mulino, 2017
M. Burleight, La genesi del mondo contemporaneo: il crollo degli imperi coloniali 1945-1965, trad. it. di F. Conte, Feltrinelli, 2014
Una lettura a scelta tra i seguenti testi : F. Fanon, I dannati della terra (1961), trad. it. C. Cignetti, Einaudi; Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Decolonizzare la mente. La politica della lingua nella letteratura africana, Jaca Book, 2015