The aim is to investigate French and Francophone literature through literary genders. We will focus our attention on theatre and cinema, through literary and critical texts, to throw light on some fundamental periods.
Literary genders.
The theatre of the Twenties.
French cinema.
- M. Narvaez, A’ la découverte des genres littéraires, Paris, Ellipses.
- P. Chartier, Introduction aux grandes théories du roman, Paris, Dunod.
- D. Leuwers, Introduction à la poésie moderne et contemporaine, Paris, Dunod.
- M. Sandras, Lire le poème en prose, Paris, Dunod.
- J.-J. Roubine, Introduction aux grandes théories du théatre, Paris, Dunod.
- Molière: Le Mysanthrope.
- Antonin Artaud, Le théatre et son double.
- Jean Genet, Les Nègres.
A choice of 3 collections of poems, 3 plays and 3 novels of French and Francophone literature of the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries.
Students will prepare a text for the exam.