L-FIL-LET/12 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To highlight the interdependence between linguistic, sociopolitical and literary history, with particular attention to the Italian case; to stimulate linguistic awareness and thought in relation to the past and the present; to develop cultural skills and basic techniques for linguistic analysis of texts; to create competences of textual writing and comprehension.

Detailed Course Content

External linguistic history: evolution from spoken Latin to the Tuscan dialect and the Italian language at all structural levels and in all varieties of use, focusing on the dynamics of italianization in written and oral communication (literature, religion, politics, bureaucracy, mass media) Internal linguistic history: observation of the principal phonetic, lexical and semantic, morphological changes in the passage from Latin to Italian; Grammar and stylistics: inter-relations among the various linguistic levels and analysis of different kinds of literary and non-literary texts.

Textbook Information

A. Internal and external history of the language (3 cfu)


- R. Cella, Storia dell’italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015 (pp. 162) Capp. I-IV, pp. 13-124; Quadri: 2.1. Lingua e dialetto, pp. 55-62; 5.1. I dialetti italiani, p. 126; 3.1. La regola e la norma, pp. 63-82; 6.1. Come si trasforma e muore una lingua, pp. 160-162:

- M. Palermo, Linguistica italiana, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015 (pp. 325) Cap. II. 1. L’italiano nel tempo, pp. 157-183 (“boxes” /“quadri”/ included).

B. Linguistic history of contemporary Italy (3 CFU).


- R. Cella, Storia dell’italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015. Capp. V-VI, pp. 125-162; Quadri: 1.1, La variazione linguistica, pp. 14-16; 4.1. Le lingue speciali, p. 96; 4.2. I neologismi, pp. 101-102; 5.2 Il Proemio all’«Archivio glottologico italiano», pp. 130-132;

- M. Palermo, Linguistica italiana, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015 (pp. 325) Capp. I.1; I. 2; I. 3; I. 4, pp. 17-156; II. 1, pp. 184- 194; II. 2, II, 3; III, 1, III, 2, pp. 195-325.


C. L’italiano nei testi: grammatica e stilistica (3 CFU)

Guided Analysis of Texts of Various Types.


- R. Cella, Storia dell’italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015. Boxes (“quadri”): 1.2. Scritto e parlato, pp. 18-19; 1.3. Una lettera mercantile, pp. 26-29; 3.2. Il dizionario oggi, pp. 83-85; 4.3. La filologia, p. 114;

- M. Palermo, Linguistica italiana, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015. Boxes (“quadri”): 1.3.3, p. 109; 1.3.4, p. 114; 1.4.1, p. 120; II.1.2, p. 168; III.1.1, p. 276.

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