L-ANT/03 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

- to outline the history of Rome following the long story of a city which struggled to maintain its strong independence and to assert its hegemony in Latium, and came to dominate the Mediterranean, leaving an indelible mark in the history of Europe;

- to present aims and instruments of the methodology of historical research: interpreting the past through the ancient sources and precise location of the contents on a diachronic line and in a geographical context;

- to define the complex “matters” of the discipline in the light of the modern historiographical debate.

Detailed Course Content

- the origins of Rome and the monarchical age: relationships with the Etruscan world and other peoples of the Italian peninsula;

- Republican Rome: social, political and religious organization;

- expansionism in the Mediterranean basin;

- Imperial Rome: social and political organization of the Principate;

- the third century: economic problems and social dynamics;

- Christianity and imperial power;

- the bureaucratization in Late Antiquity;

- the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Textbook Information

A The documentary basis of Roman history (1 CFU).

The student will make a choose between these books:

- G. Zecchini, Il pensiero politico romano. Dall’età arcaica alla Tarda Antichità, Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica 1997, pp. 11-113 oppure pp. 69-170.

- G. Poma (a cura di), Le fonti per la storia antica, Bologna, Il Mulino 2008, pp. 7-40; 115-158; 175-192; 215-236.


B Knowledge of Roman history from its origins to the Late Empire: thematic units and historiographical issues (5 CFU).

The student will choose one of these books:

- G. Arena - M. Cassia, Marcello di Side. Gli imperatori adottivi e il potere della medicina, Acireale-Roma, Bonanno Editore 2016, pp. I-XI; 9-348.

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