M-FIL/07 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course starts from the knowledges of the students to the purpose: 1) to develop the necessary theoretical abilities to understand the issues and the problems of the history of the ancient thought; 2) to refine the method and the critical ability in the reading and exegesis of the ancient philosophical and scientific texts; 3) to put in relationship among them, in a historical and philosophical perspective, the different stages in which ancient philosophy is developed.

Detailed Course Content

The course addresses the platonic theory of love, through a path that from the juvenile dialogues comes up to the maturity of Plato.

Textbook Information

– F. Trabattoni, Platone, Carocci, Roma 2009 (pp. 13-206).

– Platone, Liside, trad. di G. Reale, Bompiani (pp. 199).

– Platone, Simposio, a cura di G. Calogero, Laterza (coll. testi a fronte), Bari 1996 (pp. V-LVII e 2-132).

– Platone, Fedro, a cura di P. Pucci e B. Centrone, Laterza (coll. testi a fronte), Bari 1998 (pp. VII-LXI e 2-172).

The recommended translations cannot be replaced by other translations or comments without such substitution has been agreed with the professor.

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