M-FIL/08 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Become aware of the link between society, philosophical ideas and practices in the Middle Ages through the deepening of conceptual structures that characterize the increasing ability to respond appropriately to demand of rationality. Acquire for this purpose a method of critical reading and interpretation of medieval philosophical texts.

Detailed Course Content

The specific theoretical field within which are situated the sciences and the arts in the Middle Ages, examined through the advanced approach of specialist studies; selection of complete editions and specialized studies devoted to texts and authors of the logical-linguistic and philosophical-naturalistic tradition and its “enrichment” because of the influence of Greek and Arabic cultural areas.

Textbook Information

A. I Theoretical models (3 CFU, 399 pp.)


- Concetto Martello, Platone latino. Forme di teoresi nel medioevo ‘alto’ e ‘centrale’, Academia, Sankt Augustin 2013, pp. 9-267.

- Andrea Vella, Secundum Viam Philosophi. Gli aristotelismi nel tardo medioevo latino (1250-1362), Officina di Stusi Medievali, Palermo 2014, pp. 7-148.

B. Logic and semantics in the problem of universals (3 CFU, 418 pp.)


- Alain de Libera, Il problema degli universali da Platone alla fine del medioevo, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1999, pp. 125-180; 237-459.

- Francesco Romano, Una soluzione originale della questione degli universali. Gualtiero di Mortagne, “Sullo stato di genere e di specie delle cose universali”. Testo, traduzione e note, Aracne, Roma 2007, pp. 13-79, 115-146.

- Concetto Martello, L’essere delle cose. La nozione di status nel dibattito sugli universali del XII secolo, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2015, pp. 15-125.

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