M-PED/02 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to trace some essentials of the history of education and pedagogy with specific reference to the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In particular , it will be discussed the issue of intercultural education through the reading of a classical text.

Detailed Course Content

After a brief presentation of the history of education of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries it will pass the reading of essays focusing on intercultural education.

Textbook Information

Onorati, Bednarz, Comi, Il professionista interculturale, Roma, Carocci, 2011.

Z. Bauman, La solitudine del cittadino globale, Milano, La Feltrinelli 2014.

Ulf Hannerz, La diversità culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino 2011.

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