L-FIL-LET/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To introduce specific methods, main theories and results in Text Linguistics (The seven standards of textuality; the procedural approach; Research and schooling from cognitive science to computer science and artificial intelligence); to provide conceptual and methodological instruments for the linguistic analysis of prose and poetry (with a competence of rhetoric and metrics) and to awake awareness of the historical, stylistic and rhetorical value of the literary tradition; to provide historical, cultural and methodological coordinates for teaching Italian as first and second language.

Detailed Course Content

Historical grammar and history of the language as a teaching aid to give the sense of structural and cultural continuity between Latin and Italian, and Italian and other cultural languages. Textual linguistics and rhetoric as verbal art and technique: models for text’s analysis, linguistics and texts typology, metrics, rhetorics, stylistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, philology. Teaching Italian as first and second language: historical, sociolinguistic grammatical and textual perspectives.

Textbook Information

  1. Textual Linguistics and Rethorics (2 CFU).


    - O. Reboul, Introduzione alla retorica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 200.

    - Elementi di linguistica testuale, pp. 50 (Dispense scaricabili dal sito “Studium” e depositate presso la copisteria “Puntocopia” di Piazza Dante).


  2. Linguistic analysis of texts (2 CFU).


    - M. Giuliano, La lingua del «Romanzo popolare italiano»: dalla scrittura romanzesca al parlato sceneggiato, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2016, pp. 160.

    - G. Beltrami, Gli strumenti della poesia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 200.


  3. Teaching Italian language (1 CFU).


- M. G. Lo Duca, Esperimenti grammaticali. Riflessioni e proposte sull’insegnamento della grammatica dell’italiano, Roma, Carocci, 2014, pp. 150.

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