L-LIN/13 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at focussing on some relevant literary phenomena and innovations, which have taken palace during what is called “the time of Goethe” (approximately from 1750 until 1830).

Main targets are:

1. To gain competence about German literary history, literary genres, authors, and cultural contexts.

2. To display a conceptual understanding and a basic methodological competence about established techniques of research and their use by interpreting literary texts.

3. To display competence in research by applying an existing body of

knowledge in the critical analysis of given texts or of a specific problem or issue.

4. To display intellectual independence, exercise initiative, personal responsibility and decision-making.

5. Communicate ideas, issues, and conclusions clearly.


The course will particularly focus on themes and motifs of German Romantics, observing the innovation in thought and artistic production by analysing some important texts and works of art.

Detailed Course Content

A) History and Literature in the time of Goethe (3 CFU)

The course will refer to the use of a basic book about the history of literature with a specific cultural approach and with a focus on some relevant motifs of “Time of Goethe” (one book of those listed below in section A).


B) Main Motifs and Topics (3 CFU)

The course will point out some main topics and motifs relevant to the literary works of the time (one book of those listed below in section B).


C) Innovation and Tradition (3CFU)

Genres and style as vehicle of innovation and tradition in their formal aspects as well as in their plot and language will be discussed after reading some primary text (four out of those listed below in section C).

Textbook Information

The use of other editions of the classical texts (section C) is allowed.


A) History and Literature in the time of Goethe (3 CFU)

(choose one of the following books):

A brief reader of text in German language will be put at disposition on STUDIUM.

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