L-LIN/12 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: To confirm and improve competence in the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with a focus on domain- specific discourse in English. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Through individual assignments, students will acquire the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the C1 level of the CEFR according to the social purpose of the legal and scientific texts. Making evaluations: Students will acquire technical competence on textual analysis in order to become independent and critical cultural mediators. COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Feedback to individual assignments will offer the students the opportunity to develop and enhance their communicative skills according to the social and academic purpose of the language.

Detailed Course Content

From the theoretical aspect of Linguistics, students will be introduced to domain-specific language: linguistic and discursive features of specialized texts (in particular Legal English and Medical English) but within the crucial theme of immigration. From the point of view of Specialised Translation the approach taken will be based on a contrastive analysis of grammar, word-formation, phraseology and syntax. As regards the practical aspect of language, a variety of specific text types will be analysed to identify (and comment on) the most appropriate translating strategies. Specific examples of translating methods and options will be provided in class.

Textbook Information

Lingua/Focus on Language:


M. Gotti, Investigating Specialized Discourse, Bern Peter Lang, 2005 (Capp. 1, 2, 3, 4);

Selected readings and articles will be made available on the course platform

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