L-LIN/07 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, students should have acquired a good knowledge in B2 QCER, in a contrastive approach to Italian. Many texts about Spanish culture will be presented and discussed. Linguistic skills will be improved with practical activities, with a special attention for translation skills.

knowledge and understandig: The student will be able to understand the main focuses of the texts.



applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to properly participate in discussions.



making judgement: The student will be able to critically make judgements.



communication skills: The student will be able to clearly express and quickly interact with others. He/she will can write texts giving reasons.



learning skills: The student will be able to understand the logical links between the topics and to skill up.

Detailed Course Content

- The Past Tence

- Subjunctive

- Imperative

- Subordinate clauses

- Por/para

- Ser/estar

- Stereotypes

Textbook Information

- Oscar Cerrolaza Gili (2005), Diccionario práctico de gramática, Edelsa

- C. Romero Dueñas y A. González Hermoso (Nueva edición), Gramática del español lengua extranjera, Edelsa.


- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, Ortografía escolar de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa, 2010 (o ultima ristampa).

- VV.AA., 2020 verbos españoles (con CD-Rom), Madrid: Santillana

- González Hermoso, A. (ultima ed.) Conjugar es fácil en español de España y América

- Matteo Lefévre, Tommaso Testaverde, Tradurre lo spagnolo, Carocci editore, 2011


  1. Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la lengua española. Edición del tricentenario.

  2. Clave (ultima edizione) Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid: Ediciones S.M.

  3. Gran Diccionario de uso del español actual, Madrid: SGEL- Hoepli

  4. María Moliner, Diccionario de uso del español, Madrid: Gredos

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