M-FIL/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding: the course allows to acquire a structured knowledge, verified during the course through oral examinations, about the African religions and the etnophilosophy. The acquisition of these cognitive elements involves the enhancement and development of a specific historical-historiographical mode of critic understanding.


Applying knowledge and understanding: the historical-historiographical learning in a context of analysis of texts and etnophilosophical debates is designed to train a concrete ability to historical understanding, through the critical control of contents and the appropriation of a specific methodological habitus.


Making judgement: the historical-historiographical learning and its methodological habitus formed in the student a critical capacity of judgement and the historical awareness of their belonging’s categories and the social dimension of identity as historical production.


Communication skills: the student, trough lectures, seminars and tutorials, learn to apply the criticals tools of the historical criticism and to use properly the disciplinary lexicon.


Learning skills: The acquisition of a historical-historiographical methodological habitus establishes and strengthens an autonomous capacity learning, performed by the cognitive sequence: textual and linguistic analysis – historical-critical contextualization – historical-theoretical evaluation.

Detailed Course Content

The cours instructs students about the specific characteristics of African religions, and proposes a deepening ok knowledge of the ethnophilosophy and its relationship with art in the Dogon culture.

Textbook Information

P. Tempels, Filosofia bantu, tr. it. Milano, Medusa, 2005

M. Griaule, Il Dio d’acqua. Incontri con Ogotemmêli, tr. it. Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2002

K. Ezra (ed.), Art of Dogon, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1988.

M. Eliade (diretta da), Enciclopedia delle religioni, vol. 14: Le religioni dell’Africa, Milano, Jaca Book, 2009, le seguenti voci: Africa, Religioni dell’ (pp. 11-55); Africa meridionale / occidentale / orientale, Religioni dell’ (pp. 55-88); Bantu dei Grandi Laghi / dell’Africa centrale / meridionale / orientale, Religione dei (pp. 92-117); Dogon, religione dei (pp. 143-146); Iconografia africana tradizionale (pp. 157-164); Maschere rituali nelle culture illetterate (pp. 222-229).

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