M-STO/04 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understanding:

good orientation ability both temporal-space and historiographic of studied matters


applying knowledge and understanding:


Ability to distinguish among different historiographic arguments


making judgement:


Ability to elaborate independently, knowledge about the overall value of the studied matters



communication skills:


Appropriate using of disciplinary dictionary


learning skills:


Adding ability of critical interpretation in order to recognize essential sings of a process and their possible developing

Detailed Course Content

The course will analyse the XX century decolonization’s process, based on ways they have been developed from a continent to another, through different modalities as peaceful or violent. The course will retrace, in a chronological and geographic way, their movements and their progresses. In particular, the course will focus upon the matters which today represent a heritage and a still open argument. In the light of these issues, the course will take a deeper look into those revolutions that, since December 2010, have made to agitate the Arabic world, called “Arab Spring”.

Textbook Information

B.Droz, Storia della decolonizzazione del XX secolo, Mondadori Bruno, 2010
F. Corrao, Le rivoluzioni arabe. La transizione mediterranea, Mondadori Università, 2011

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