To provide the students with a wide-ranging understanding of approaches to issues involved in modern archaeological research, including updated digging strategies based on stratigraphic principles, survey for comprehensive analysis of landscape, diagnostic analysis contributing to the reconstruction of culture-past.
Literary sources, survey, field survey, stratigraphic method, data analyses and recording systems about the process of studying archeological sites and their environments as well as identifying all the phases of human activity in the area; the analysis of the shapes and their recording system; archeology of the landscape; urban archeology; archeology of production; ethnoarchaeology; the relationship with the other discipline either from humanities or sciences world; the processual and post-processual archeology; media and communication in archeology; rescue archeology and career opportunities. Attendance is recommended for lessons, participation to archeological excavation is preferred, but non required.
A Approach to Archaeology (3 CFU)
Basic knowledg of the methods of the archaeological research, use of new methodologies for the reconstruction of ancient settlements. The identification of the site and the sources. The relationship between Archaeology and auxiliary disciplines. Organization of the working site.
Recommended literature:
- A. Carandini, Storia della terra. Manuale di scavo archeologico, Torino 2006, pp. 1-47.
- C. Renfrew - P. Bahn, L’essenziale di Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, Bologna (Zanichelli), 2009, pp. 57-70.
- E. Giannichedda, Uomini e cose: appunti di archeologia, Bari 2006, pp. 10-250.
B The archaeological site: Context and landscape (2 CFU).
Recommended literature:
- F. Cambi. Archeologia dei paesaggi antichi: fonti e diagnostica, Roma 2003 (Ed. Carrocci), pp. 1-127.
- F. Cambi, Manuale di archeologia dei paesaggi, Roma 2011, pp. 1-120.
C. Rescue Archaeology and preliminary investigation (2 CFU).
Identifying, understanding, documenting and enhancing urban and territorial archaeological contexts.
Recommended literature:
- C. Renfrew - P. Bahn, L’essenziale di Archeologia. Teorie, metodi e pratiche, Bologna (Zanichelli), 2009, pp. 70-96.
D. Study and classification of findings (2 CFU).
Recommended literature:
- D. Manacorda - R. Francovich, Dizionario di Archeologia, Bari (Laterza) 2000 (le pagine riguardanti i nomi e le denominazioni degli oggetti ed anche quelle relative agli argomenti trattati durante le lezioni).
- S. T. Levi, Dal coccio. Manifattura, tecnologia e classificazione della ceramica, Bologna (Zanichelli) 2010, pp. 1-295, or N. Cuomo Di Caprio, Ceramica in archeologia 2. Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi di indagine, Roma 2007, Introduction-cap. 6.