L-ART/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Basic knowledge of the issues of interpretation of the artistic facts, study of the history of the artistic culture in the Middle age and of its specific languages.

Detailed Course Content

A Propaedeutic, methodological, interpretative aspects (2 CFU)

B Artistic events from the fifth century to the mid-fifteenth (5 CFU)

C The painting workshop of Assisi (2 CFU)

Textbook Information


X. Barral I Altet, Contro l’arte romanica? Saggio su un passato reinventato, Milano 2009.

Alternatively, students can choose the historical and artistic aspects of Byzantium in the Macedonian age, interdisciplinary with teachings of Byzantine Civilization and History of Architecture, from the text:

L. Bevilacqua, Arte e aristocrazia a Bisanzio nell'età dei Macedoni. Costantinopoli, la Grecia e l’Asia Minore, Roma 2013.

Students will choose parts equal to the number of pages required for 2 cfu



P. De Vecchi - E. Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, Milano 1998.( parts related to medieval chronology, approximately 500 pages of text)



Il cantiere pittorico della Basilica Superiore di San Francesco in Assisi, a cura di G. Basile e P.P. Magro, Assisi 2001 (all the essays for about 200 pp. ).

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