ICAR/14 - 5 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This discipline is conceived as an inseparable part and fundamental moment of architectural project. The course would work on the creation of a projetcing research path that question the preconceptions regarding the interior design theme. A theme often seen as creation of a furniture in existing spaces. Instead we would verify how, departing from an "interior", could be possible to mesure end rule the world (within a founding process "from inside to outside" belonging to the best architetcural culture).

Detailed Course Content

To the students will be proposed to analyze the villas interiors designed and realized by the masters of 20th century architecture: Adol Loos, Le Corbusier, Mies Van Der Rohe, Louis I. Kahn. Starting form drawings, from pictures and from archive materials, the students should investigate interior spaces of houses through models. Furthermore, will be asked to elaborate a "quaderno di bordo" gathering all the materials and the useful reflections on the models production.

Textbook Information

BOESIGER, W., GIRSBERGER, H., Le Corbusier. Œuvre Complete, a cura di 1° edizione 1953, Verlag fur architektur (artemis), Zurich, 1967.

JARDOT, M., Le Corbusier : dessins, Editions mondes, Paris, 1955.

AA.VV., Le Corbusier-Savina. Sculptures et Dessins, a cura di, ed. Fondation Le Corbu- sier/ Philippe Sers Editeur, Paris, 1960.

WEBER, H., Catalogue of fty works by Le Corbusier. Paintings, Drawings, Collages and Sculptures created between the years 1919 and 1964. Catalogo a cura di Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris e heidi Weber, Zurich. ed. Sotheby’s & Co., 1969.

PETIT, J., Le Corbusier lui-même, Editions rousseau, geneva, 1970.

VON MOOS, S., L’architecte et son mythe, 1° edizione in tedesco, Le Corbusier, element einer synthese, Verlag huber Frauenfeld, Basel, 1968, ed. horizons de France, Paris, 1971. Edizione in inglese : Le Corbusier. Element of a Synthesis, mit Press, Cambridge 1979.

JENCKS, C., Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture, Penguin Books Ltd, 1° Edizione 1973, harmondsworth, middlesex, England 1987.

CURTIS, W., SEKLER, E., Le Corbusier at work, harvard University Press, Cambridge mass., 1978.

CURTIS, W., Le Corbusier Ideas and Forms, 1° edizione 1986, Phaidon Press, London.

JENCKS, Ch., Le Corbusier and the continual revolution in architecture, ed. Monacelli press, New york, 2000.

AA.VV. (a cura di), e Utzon Library: Utzon’s Own Houses, Arkitektens Forlage Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen, 2004.

CARTE, P., Mies Van Der Rohe at work, Phaidon Press, London 2011.

VANDENBERG, M., Farnsworth House. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Phaidon press, Londra, 2005.

AA.VV., Alvar Aalto: Complete Work, Birkhauser, Basel 1990.

CACCIAORE F., FOTI F., Barclay & Crousse. Segnali di vita tra i due deserti. Señales de vida entra los dos desiertos, LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa, 2012.


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FIDONE, E., THE LANDSCAPE OF ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE CONTEMPORARY CITY Erasmus Intensive Programme 2013/2014 , LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Siracusa 2016.

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