The training course, designed in collaboration with teachers of other disciplines in the same area, aims to acquisition of theoretical principles concerning the management models of voluntary certification adoptable by local companies, regardless of size and production process. In particular, separately the voluntary certification of quality, safety, and environmental ethics Management Systems are firstly analyzed; then the variables are unified along a path that aims to an integrated voluntary Management System. Beside to the necessary theoretical knowledge, suitably formalized, teacher intends to transfer appropriate skills, both to deepen the themes treated by an operational point of view, and to complete the training course, in order to provide the necessary knowledge to apply appropriately in the real world all methods and techniques studied (knowing how to evaluate, compare, decide, act). To achieve these aims, during the lectures, that include direct, traditional classroom activities, are also used appropriate equipment, such as slides, and case studies in public and private companies are presented and discussed.
The whole teaching process is directed at combining teaching methods that aim at developing both the students’ inductive skills as well as the students’ logical-deductive process
The testing of this learning does not include only final exams organised with oral exams, but also a careful and continual assessment of understanding throughout the whole learning process, stimulating a fruitful and active participation of all the students.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Particular attention is paid to operational activity of future graduates, who have been called to deal with the problems in the profession before mentioned, often in different contexts, including interdisciplinary job. To this end, professor uses a teaching method largely oriented to the acquisition of working skills ("know-how") of the analytical and conceptual instruments and concepts proposed during the learning process of the subject. The aim is the development of critical thinking skills of the student in a continuous process of interaction analysis - synthesis, also presenting in the classroom appropriate real case studies. Students could apply each phases in any kind of voluntary valiable systems; they could write and manage each document necessary for the certification process; they could analyze each kind of micropollution in air, soil and water; they could describe each risk could be in relation the safety and health of worker.
3 Making judgements:
The autonomous critical development of thinking skills in the subject context is one of the main learning objectives of this course. A good acquisition of theoretical knowledge and operational capabilities in the program of education is not sufficient for a complete training of the student, if such preparation is not accompanied by the acquisition of a thorough, independent, socially and morally responsible judgment;. During the course, therefore, students are also trained and encouraged in search of the most suitable information sources in order to develop critical analysis of their reliability and significance.
4. Communication skills:
The student is given an opportunity to relate and to transfer to third parties, including non-specialists, with clarity and precision of expression and appropriate technical language, information, analysis, value judgments, plans and proposals for action on environmental issues, corporate and ethics. Subsequently to an appropriate theoretical knowledge of voluntary regulations of reference, it is essential to acquire a capacity of operational application of the legislative instruments available. The teacher also cultivated throughout the curriculum the development of such skills, taking care that it motivates and ensures an active participation of every student, by means of the organization of appropriate educational activities mentioned above. The student is urged to continually expose their thoughts verbally and formally with the appropriate arguments and techniques, to prepare documents in written form, to organize presentations, individually and in group, discussing the documents presented in classroom to stimulate an interaction on the level of communication. The final test is a further in-depth study and verification of the various communication skills effectively achieved by the students
5. Learning skills: We provide students from the beginning of the lecturers appropriate advice and encouragement for a more active participation as possible to the entire educational process, and for an improvement in the method of study, for a more effective learning of the subject. The teacher constantly checks, topic by topic, whether the acquisition of knowledge takes place effectively, reviewing possibly also in progress the method of teaching, in order to better adapt it to the practical achievement of this important objective, taking into account the actual composition of the classroom . In this context, testing of profit by an exam is a natural, logical corollary of the learning process, which is constantly monitored and improved, partly to prevent a traumatic approach to the examination test
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