M-PED/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The “philosophy of education” investigates, analytically and critically, the founding and formal aspects of pedagogy: the speech, the type of penalty, the choice of values that accompanies it. The course highlights the one hand the evolution in contemporary culture, on the other hand the problem joint.

Detailed Course Content

The education and the philosophy of education: areas and functions; models in progress; issues and current problems. Particular attention will revolt at the critical rationalism study of Antonio Banfi.

Textbook Information

F. Cambi, Manuale di filosofia dell’educazione, Laterza, Bari.

G. Trebisacce, La pedagogia tra razionalismo critico e marxismo, Anicia, Roma.

G. Trebisacce, Antonio Banfi e la pedagogia, Jonia editrice, Cosenza

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