Single items concerning free circulation of goods and persons are explained under a double and parallel way: a) European Union compulsory legislation, and not compulsory legal acts from European Commission and European Parliament; b) the huge jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice. Main and crucial purpose is the building of European internal market since the Organisation started to move and act, in 1957, up to nowadays. Starting point is free circulation of goods, where European institutions clarified the most important principles and criteria to be applied within almost all internal market. From there, free circulation of persons concerns not only topics implied by European citizens transnational activities, as the item is connected and interlinked to non-European citizens akin circulation. At the end of Ist lesson plan, students should be able to deal with European legal acts concerning internal market, and manage European Court judgements as well.
European internal market of services offers a wide variety of cases and situations at stake, as “service” refers to several relationships between the subject providing a service and the other paying to get the service. Service itself must be considered to let European law be applied. Purpose of this lesson plan is to get students acquainted to legal concept of service, and use it within European legal order. Like in circulation previously dealt with, the one of services raised many interesting judgements from the European Court. Capitals and payments represent the last step in internal market free circulations, leading any financial and pecuniary operation all over European territory. Purpose of the last part of this lesson plan is to explain facilities given to European citizens and societies by this kind of freedom, and to stress how internal market and EMU are close to each other.
From European Common Market to European Single Market. European citizenship. Economic freedoms. The legal concept of “good”. Free movement of goods and guidelines to be followed. Free movement of persons. Free movement of workers with nationality from a different member State. Free movement of persons more as European citizens than as economic units. Directive 2004/38 on free movement and residence. Family reunification, by freedom of workers and citizenship. The right of establishment.
Free movement of services. Increasing number and variety of services in XXI century European single market. Free movement of qualifications. Directive on Services 2006/123. Right of establishment and services within free movement of persons. Free movement of payments as precondition to implement all other freedoms. Free movement of capitals.
G. Tesauro, Diritto dell’Unione europea, CEDAM, VII edizione, 2012:
- Parte seconda, Il mercato interno, Cap. IV, La libera circolazione
delle merci, pp. 363-441;
- Parte seconda, Il mercato interno, Cap. V, La libera circolazione
delle persone e dei capitali, pp. 443-541.
Letture integrative:
C. Campiglio, La lotta all’infiltrazione di medicinali falsificati nel mercato dell’Ue, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2014, n. 2, pp. 291-317.
F. Rossi Dal Pozzo, Profili recenti in tema di organismi geneticamente modificati nel settore agroalimentare fra procedure di comitato e tutela giurisdizionale, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2014, n. 2, pp. 339-396.
G. Tesauro, Diritto dell’Unione europea, CEDAM, VII edizione, 2012:
- Parte seconda, Il mercato interno, Cap. V, La libera circolazione delle persone e dei capitali, pp. 541-571;
- Parte seconda, Il mercato interno, Cap. V, La libera circolazione delle persone e dei capitali, pp. 572-584.
Lettura integrativa:
F. Urbani, La dimensione sovranazionale del rating: regolamento N. 1060 del 2009 e libera circolazione dei servizi, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2015, n.2, pp. 583-604.