L-FIL-LET/14 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1- Critical reading skills of the "classics" that will be listed below;

2- Interpretative ability of the questions posed by the prescribed studies;

3 - Identification of the connections between genres, modes and trends of European literary culture, also in relation to the Italian one and to contemporary philosophical and historical issues.

Course Structure

The lessons will take place in the prescribed manner (in presence and / or mixed), and will mainly concern the reading of literary texts, accompanied by historical-critical issues.

Collaboration and participation will be required by the student community.

Detailed Course Content

The lessons will be divided into two modules, respectively of 5 and 4 credits. The first will concern the European Tragedy between the 17th and 18th centuries, with three exemplary texts drawn from different national cultures and languages; the second, aspects of the so-called "realistic" prose of the second half of the 19th century, of medium size and drawn from different national cultures and languages, again. Bilingual editions, if any, will be indicated for the study (which will take place in Italian). Study support will be provided during the lessons, in the form of short summaries or cards, sometimes in power point. The introduction and notes to the works must be read and studied in their entirety.

Textbook Information

1st module: tragedy as a genre and the notion of "tragic" (5 ECTS):

1 - W. Shakespeare, Hamlet; the edition chosen is the one edited by Nemi D'Agostino, Garzanti;

2 - P.L. Calderòn de la Barca, La vita è sogno, c. by Dario Puccini, Garzanti; or by L. Orioli, Adelphi ;

3 - Jean Racine, Fedra, Feltrinelli or Rizzoli;

The study will be accompanied by the study of P. Szondi, Essay on the tragic, Einaudi, pp. VII-XVIII, 1-94, 106-112, 142-158.


2nd module: European "realism", between extra-locality and modes of representation (4 ECTS):

1 - G. Flaubert, Tre racconti, Feltrinelli

2 - B. Pérez Galdós, Tristana, Garzanti, or Marsilio;

3 - L. Tolstoj, Padrone e servo (or, according to the translations, Padrone e lavorante), Edizioni Ortica, or San Paolo.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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