M-FIL/06 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course analyzes the authors and themes of modern and contemporary philosophy, with particular reference to certain problems of methodology, science and historiography, and then dwell on the relationship between nature and culture. The objective is to provide students with some knowledge about the modern and contemporary philosophical debate, with particular reference to issues related to the humanities and their articulation methodology, capable of making a direct approach to philosophical texts.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

A – General Part of the Discipline (4 CFU):

The Renaissance (Telesio, Bruno, Campanella), Galilei, Bacon, Hobbes, Newton, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Positivism (Comte, Stuart Mill and Spencer), the Neo-Kantianism (Cassirer), the German Historicism (Dilthey), the Controversy over the Foundations, Freud, Jaspers, Husserl, The Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Adorno), the Neopositivism (Schlick e Carnap), Popper, Wittgenstein, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend, the Analytic Philosophy (Quine).

B – Methodological aspects of the Discipline (3 CFU):

The Problem of Knowledge in the Modern Age

C – Monographic part of the Discipline (2 CFU):

Nature and Phenomenology.

Textbook Information

A – General Part of the Discipline (4 Credits):

For a first classification of the authors recommend the use of a good textbook in high school (for example: N. Abbagnano-G. Fornero, La filosofia, Torino, Paravia, 2009, vols. 2-3; or a another user may be agreed with the teacher). In addition, the authors and the topics covered should be further explored on a university textbook (for example: M. Dal Pra, Storia della filosofia, Milano, Vallardi, 1976 ff., vols. VII-X, or L. Geymonat, Storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico, Milano, Garzanti, 1972 ff., vols. II-XI). The pages to be studied, for this part, are a total of about 400.


B – Methodological aspects of the Discipline (3 Credits):

E. Cassirer, Storia della filosofia moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1978, I, 2, pp. 291-462; II, 2, pp. 435-530.


C – Parte monografica (2 Credits):

G. Bruno, La cena delle ceneri, in Id., Dialoghi filosofici italiani, Milano, Mondadori, 2000, pp. 5-131 ; E. Husserl, La filosofia come scienza rigorosa, Bari, Laterza, 1994, pp. VII-106.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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