M-FIL/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To improve the ability to analyze the argumentative structure of a text; to recognize and master the basic forms of reasoning; to know the main theories of reasoning, decision making and rationality, with special regard to the psychological mechanisms involved; in particular, to gain awareness of the automatic mechanisms and the social influence in belief formation and reasoning.

Course Structure

Lectures and discussion in class.

Detailed Course Content

The thought: deductive inference and its formal treatment; the other forms of inference; the fallacies.

Rationality: the standard view, the empirical studies, bounded rationality, the evolutionary theories, dual models, rationality and argumentation.

Automatic and social factors in reasoning: the role of emotions; meta-cognitive components of cognitive judgments; motivated reasoning; affiliation mechanisms and group instincts; motivated reasoning; ideology and belief polarization. Rationality as cognitive strategy and motivational attitude: as mindware and mindset.

Textbook Information

1) A.Coliva, E. Lalumera, Pensare. Leggi ed errori del ragionamento, Roma, Carocci, 2006 (140 pagg.).

2) P. Labinaz, La razionalità, Roma, Carocci, 2013 (127 pagg.).

3) M. Mazzone, Pensiero critico e pensiero ideologico, 2020, handout available on Studium (250 pagg.).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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