L-ANT/07 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course will address in a monographic way the reading of land management and the creation of fortified systems during archaism in western Greece. The purpose of the course is to address an overall reading of the territory in relation to the management of the city in an important phase of Greek history up to the first half of the fifth century BC.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

The material structures of land management in the Archaic period will be taken into consideration. The first part will be dedicated to fortified systems and their meaning in relation to Greek war behaviour: defence, control, administrative presence, etc. Fortified systems in Greece and Asia Minor, and written sources will be examined to create a complex picture of archaic war systems. The second part will be more specific on the interpretation of the architectural structures in the West, in relation to the control of the territory in the colonial context. The course will end with an attempt at a regional reading of the phenomenon of war and fortified models.

Textbook Information

- L.M. Caliò, Mura Divine, Fortificazioni greche nel Mediterraneo durante l’Età del Ferro, Roma 2021, pp. 250.

- R. Friederiksen, Greek City Walls of the Archaic Period, 900-480 BC. Oxford, Oxford 2011, pp. 260.

- L.M. Caliò, R. Brancato, Paesaggio fortificato e insediamento rurale nella Sicilia arcaica (metà VII-metà V secolo a.C.): nuovi dati dai margini della Piana di Catania, in Atlante tematico di topografia antica 29, 2019, pp. 133-154.

- L.M. Caliò, G.M. Gerogiannis (a cura di), Fortificazioni e società nel Mediterraneo occidentale, Roma 2020.

- Other materials will be provided during the course.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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