ING-IND/11 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at providing the students with the technical and scientific base knowledge for designing low carbon and energy efficient buildings. After a review of the fundamental thermal parameters governing the thermal and hygrometric behavior of a building’s envelope and the energy efficiency of mechanical systems, the principles of thermal comfort and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) are introduced and examined in depth.

On these bases, the main techniques and technologies for passive heating and cooling of buildings, as well as the best performing Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) solutions available on the market, are dealt with. A specific module is devoted to renewable energy production from photovoltaic panels, solar thermal collectors, and their integration in existing buildings.

All these topics are tackled with a practical approach oriented towards the professional growth of the student in the broad field of building energy efficiency and sustainability. To this aim, certified software tools for the thermal and energy analysis of buildings – certified by Italian norms and exploitable in the licensed profession – are used along with relevant technical instrumentation.

Course Structure

Lectures and project work concerning the energy renovation of an existing residential building chosen by students.

The project work will be conducted in small groups of 2-3 students each and will cover the following aspects:

The design of the renovation solutions and their verification in terms of energy performances will be supported by the use of dedicated software tools developed by the Italian National Association for Thermal and Acoustic Insulation (ANIT). This set of freeware tools includes:

Detailed Course Content

  1. Opaque envelope – heat transfer
  2. Opaque envelope – hygrothermal analysis
  3. Thermal bridges
  4. Glazed envelope and shading systems
  5. Thermal comfort
  6. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation
  7. Bioclimatic and passive heating and cooling of buildings
  8. HVAC systems
  9. Photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors
  10. Normative requirements and energy certification process (APE)
  11. Use of software tools for hygrothermal analysis and energy certification of buildings

Textbook Information

  1. N. Rossi, Manuale del termotecnico. Fondamenti. Riscaldamento. Condizionamento.Refrigerazione. Risorse energetiche. Hoepli, Milano, 2014 (IV edizione)
  2. V. Bearzi, Impianti di riscaldamento. Guida alla progettazione del sistema edificio-impianto. Tecniche Nuove, Milano, 2012
  3. F. Groppi, C. Zuccaro, Impianti solari fotovoltaici a norme CEI. Guida per progettisti e installatori. Editoriale Delfino, Milano, 2011
  4. E. Lucchi, Diagnosi energetica strumentale degli edifici. Flaccovio, Palermo, 2012
  5. S. Cascio, Guida alla certificazione energetica degli edifici. Grafill, Palermo, 2016
  6. M. Lavagna, M. Bonanomi, C. De Flumeri, Edifici a consumo energetico quasi zero. Orientamenti normativi, criteri progettuali ed esempi di Zero Energy e Zero Emission Buildings. Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2012
  7. V. Olgyay, Design with Climate: Bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2015
  8. B. Givoni, Passive and low energy cooling of buildings. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1994
  9. F. Allard, Natural ventilation in buildings: a design handbook. James & James, London, 2002
  10. J.L.M. Hensen, R. Lamberts, Building performance simulation for design and operation. Routledge, London, 2019

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