M-EDF/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is that students acquire knowledge of the theories relating to the general laws governing the development of human movement, its ontogenesis, the theories on motor learning.

The course aims to provide the theoretical knowledge to be able to design and develop teaching activities aimed at motor proposals in the various age groups.

The scientific bases relating to development, learning and motor control, motor skills and the main methodological strategies for the planning, management and conduct of motor practice will be provided.

Acquisition of the basic principles and of the specific technical and methodological language to be able to orient oneself in the professional sphere of motor activities aimed at health, education and motor training, at the different levels of sports teaching.

Basic motor schemes, basic motor matrices, secondary motor schemes.

The human movement: definition, functions, forms, classifications and planning.

Programming and realization of the movement.

The profile of the motor and sports professional.

Central contributions of human movement and control mechanisms.

Movement planning, scheduling and implementation.

The evolution of motor skills in the course of life: main theories on motor development and learning; characteristics of motor skills as a function of the evolutionary stage from birth to old age.

Sensory-motor, perceptual-motor, ideo-motor activity: definition and terminological aspects.

Motor skills: definition; classifications; specific differentiations and integrations; development levels and priorities; movement and sport management (balance, information taking, reaction times, anticipation, differentiation, endurance, muscle strength, rhythm, combination and adaptation.

Course Structure

The teaching methodology includes face-to-face lessons, in e-learning mode, video conference activities (if requested by the University), with participatory classroom activities and with discussion and interaction with students to get immediate feedback on achieving the goal.

In addition to the lectures, theoretical-practical exercises will be provided in individual and group form on a study topic, a clinical case, aimed at the presentation of an in-depth group report (thesis pdf) or an informative seminar (oral presentation ppt ). For example, structuring a specific lesson for an age group for the development of motor skills or abilities, structuring a learning unit of motor science and sports starting from a case study,etc.

The hours of the exercises will be communicated by the teacher during the lessons.

"If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus"

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

1) Francesco Casolo: L'uomo e il movimento. Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia. Vita e pensiero, 2020.

2) Francesco Casolo: Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vita e pensiero, 2002.

3) R.Schmidt/C.Wrisberg: Apprendimento Motorio e Prestazione, Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma 2000

4) Kurt Meinel: Teoria del movimento, Società Stampa Sportiva, Roma 2000

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