Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge of the main global socio-ecological and socio-political issues.
Basic knowledge of the broad outlines of economic and ecological crises.
Knowledge of the methods of investigation and theories on human settlement, environmental inequalities, socio-environmental conflicts.
Knowledge of the debate on colonialism and its historical consequences, postcolonial and decolonial theories.
Knowledge of the criticism of patriarchal socio-cultural systems and the movements that have emerged in recent years.
Use of the basic tools of geographical analysis for understanding or studying global cultural processes.
Ability to connect the debate of the discipline to the different problems of the great cultural areas.
Ability to analyse major processes such as migration and ecological transition by adopting the methods and debate of the discipline.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Identify the main issues dealt with also in relation to their territorial development.
To know how to apply the theoretical debate to case studies and current issues.
Communication skills:
Describing processes and phenomena.
Giving examples and reasoning on theories and cases of study.
Learning skills:
In-depth understanding of the main issues trought searching for scientific sources and databases
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
To identify the main issues to be dealt with in their territorial development.
To know how to apply the theoretical debate to case studies and current issues.
Communication skills:
Correctly describe the processes and phenomena dealt with and refer to their socio-territorial development.
To be able to give examples and to reshape different issues in an analytical discourse on the major processes.
Learning capacity:
To demonstrate a good knowledge of methods of searching for geographical information through the most popular scientific and technical information tools (e.g. databases and online repositories, as well as commonly used geographical information tools)
The course will be planned on eight weeks. During the class, frontal lessons, didactic games and forum debates will be held.
The course is aimed to analyse an overall framework of three major points of transition in global society: the social responses to the ecological crisis and the pandemic, the re-proposition in different cultural areas of the demand to overcome colonial and patriarchal models, the trend towards the construction of a decolonised cultural model.
The processes of change taking place on a planetary scale redefine the cultural areas and geopolitical relations that have sustained the entire history of modernity. In this framework, the various movements that in recent decades proposed the question of overcoming the patriarchal model have become an essential case study for understanding global society. Global social movements emerged in response to the great socio-ecological crisis are also the expression of a profound change in social systems and indicate a process of transformation also in the construction of the political space. The second part of the course will be focused on the study of the legacy of the colonial project and its main implications in the contemporary world. The question of the birth and diffusion of the debate on the decolonisation of power and the ways in which it has spread to different planetary contexts will be addressed.
1. Françoise Vergès. 2021. Une théorie féministe de la violence, pour une politique antiraciste de la protection. Paris: La Fabrique.
2. Torre S., Benegiamo M., Dal Gobbo A. 2020. Il pensiero decoloniale: dalle radici del dibattito ad una proposta di metodo. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 19 (2), 448-468.
Disponibile all’indirizzo:
3. Iain Chambers, Lidia Curti e Michela Quadraro, eds. 2018. Ritorni critici. La sfida degli studi culturali e postcoloniali. Roma: Meltemi, pp.248
4. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Judith Butler. 2007. Who Sings the Nation-State? Chicago: Chicago University Press.