2 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course, taught entirely in English, aims to provide a good knowledge of the fundamentals of English grammar, as well as the tools to analyse, understand, translate scientific texts and to exchange general information in English. In particular, students will become familiar with the English vocabulary relating to their specific field of expertise.

Course Structure

Teaching methods

Frontal Lectures







Frequency of lessons


Detailed Course Content

The course programme includes knowledge of commonly used medical terminology and anatomical terms, with particular emphasis on the phonatory, auditory and respiratory systems and the nervous system, as well as specific notions of grammar and syntax necessary for scientific writing. Students are also required to have the ability to analyse scientific texts and the structure (IMRAD) that characterises the most prestigious research articles. Reading and translation of medical-scientific texts will be practised during the lessons.

Textbook Information

1. Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Fifth Edition, Cambridge University Press

2. Eric H. Glendinning, Ron Howard Professional English in Use, Medicine, Cambridge University Press

3. Roberta Losano Scientific English, User’s Guide, Edizioni Minerva Medica

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