L-ANT/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

To know the prehistoric chronological sequences in Italy and in the other Mediterranean regions;

To know the chronological and spatial framework of the social, economic and symbolic activities of the prehistoric communities, through the analysis of artefacts and their associations and distributions;

To know how to provide an initial framework of the social and cultural characteristics that regulate the functioning of the prehistoric Italian and Mediterranean societies.

Course Structure

Classroom lectures, case-study presentations by students.

Detailed Course Content

Chronological frame of reference and comparative structure of the cultural development during different periods and in different Mediterranean regions;

Presentation of the main elements characterizing the different phases presented: structure of the society; settlement organization; craft activities; symbolic activities (artistic production, ritual and ceremonial activities).

Textbook Information

(1) Andrea PESSINA, Vincenzo TINE, Archeologia del neolitico. L’Italia tra VI e IV millennio a.C., Carocci editore, Roma, 2008

- Cap. 2 : Cronologie e culture, pp. 40-61 ;

- Cap. 3 : Ceramica, pp. 63-81 ;

- Cap. 5 : Strutture di abitato, pp. 137-163 ;

- Cap. 9 : Ideologia e comunicazione simbolica, pp. 245-277 ;

- Cap.10 : Rituali funerari, pp. 279-311.

(2) Daniela COCCHI GENICK, Preistoria, QuiEdit, Verona, 2009

- Cap. 4 : L’età del Rame, pp. 199-285.

(3) Anna Maria BIETTI SESTIERI, L’Italia nell’età del bronzo e del ferro. Dalle palafitte a Romolo¸ Carocci editore, Roma, 2010

- Cap. 2 : Le regioni centrali e meridionali, pp. 79-169.

(4) Rosa Maria ALBANESE PROCELLI, Sicani, Siculi, Elimi. Forme di identità, modi di contatto e processi di trasformazione, Longanesi, Milano 2003

- Parte I. Dalla tarda età del Bronzo alla prima età del Ferro (XIII-VIII secolo), pp. 13-128.


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